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Portfolio Management Services are specialised financial services offered as personalised investment solutions. The services are provided by a professional portfolio manager who provides clients with freedom and flexibility to invest according to specific objectives. The Portfolio Manager allocates the investment portfolio across a variety of financial instruments such as equity, debt, government bonds, structured products and specific individual securities. PMS is similar to investing in mutual funds, but the investor has better control over the investment decisions and owns different assets rather than units of the funds.

The Portfolio Manager acts as both an advisor as well as the manager of the portfolio. The services can have a variety of arrangements between the investor and the portfolio manager, tailored according to the investor's personal preferences and financial goals. Under the discretionary agreement, the portfolio manager can make investment decisions on behalf of his client. However, under the non-discretionary agreement, the portfolio manager advises the client on investment decisions, who can make and time the investments as per his discretion. The manager is responsible for the execution of the decisions of his client.

A Portfolio Manager can also offer advisory services to his clients, who have the choice and are responsible for the execution of the investment decisions.